Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

So I decided to post a few photos from Thanksgiving. We hosted at my house this year. It turned out great. We had so much food left over.

We had baked turkey,
fried turkey,
BBQ Ribs,
Roast beef, Jerk Salmon, and fried chicken,
String beans, collard greens, and a veggie medley,
drity rice, candied yams, and macaroni and cheese,
Broccoli bread, stuffing, and rolls,

Sweet potato pie, 7-up cake, pound cake, box cake, and banana pudding. They got to the desserts before I could take the photos. I was sitting down stuffing my face, I forgot about it.

Fruit punch. I forgot to take a picture of the half-n-half.

Everyone couldn't fit at one table so we had two different set-ups

My future photographer:
Getting ready for black friday:

I was trying to give him bunny ears but my arm was too short. Thats my dad.

The color purple was on TV. "Nothing but death can keep me from it!"

I had a great time with my family.
And as always, God Bless those who have not to eat.

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