Saturday, July 4, 2009

LatinoFest @ Parque de Patterson

I love being surrounded by other peoples cultures. It's great to see that the way that you live is not the only way to live. The things you eat and consider normal aren't necessarily normal. It really reminds you of just how different we are. Like for instance, in my own admitted ignorance, I've always thought of "Spanish food" as one distinct category. But I was made aware that there are many differences even within that category. For instance, a friend of mine (Mexican) explained how he didn't much like Puertorican food (Cocina Criolla). Of course, he prefers Cocina Mexicana. I don't much know the difference, other that that Puertorican food is a mixture of Spanish, Caribbean, African, and even Asian spices, fruits, and flavors. Its a product if immense colonization. Apparently, it's distinctly different from Mexican cooking, which lacks the additional influences.

At the festival I tried Arepas.
I think I was intrigued because it resembled pancakes to me. So I asked the guy what it was. From his response I comprehended corn fritter and cheese. Didn't sound particularly appetizing, but I'm like, I'm here may as well try something new which at times can be challenging especially in terms of food because I am an extremely picky eater.
It was ok. Not something I could fall in love with, but it was ok. I ate it.

I love photographing the elderly (you shouldn't say old people...right?)

And the youth...

So, I've got to learn how to Salsa..

There was this one guy who asked me and reluctantly I had to turn him down. I explained that I didn't know how and he even offered to show me. But in the midst of all of the spinning dancing divas out on the concrete dance floor, I was too embarrassed to make a fool of myself and try to learn in front of all the people and cameras that were present. I'll take some lessons and maybe by the next one in September, I will be able to participate in the fun. It looked like so much fun!

There was a lot of great music and dance performances there.

And the DJ even played a MJ tribute on the B stage. RIP Mike. The weekend was complete.

1 comment:

  1. These photos are beautiful! The little butterfly girl is stunning... thanks for sharing them!
