Monday, July 19, 2010

Artscape 2010

Day 1: July 17, 2010

I had such a blast at Artscape. I went both Saturday and Sunday. It was so relaxing to walk around and take in all the arts. I loved it. Every moment of it. Despite the heat. Pure bliss.

Saturday I got there just in time for A Taste of Ladies Verse, a spoken word theatrical performance by Poetry for the People Baltimore.

Afterwards, it was still some light left out so I walked around looking for the art cars but got lost in all the visual art there that I didn't make it there until the sun was down. I was so intrigued I forgot to take photos of most of it, but here are a few of my favorites:

This piece of the lady with the fro rocked! Love it!

And then finally made it to the cars after many stops along the way. 
FYI: the toothpaste car was by far my favorite!

Day 2- July 18, 2010

I came back this time I wanted to bring my daughter so she would enjoy the art...and she did! We did. So much so that I decided to make a short video to commemorate it. Like to see it? Here it goes:

Because the video is not super clear: here are a few of the photos (plus some) as well:

I was so glad to see they were recycling!! And composting!


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