Monday, July 25, 2011

Behind the Scenes at a video shoot for Femi The Drifish

I was at a video shoot for Femi this Saturday. I didn't even intend on taking photos...I was there as an extra...but when I saw the break dancers and the light the way it was set up...I just couldn't resist. I went to my handy-dandy trunk and got my are some of my behind the scenes snap shots.

Femi trying to learn to breakdance... 

Can't wait for the video to premiere.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sneak Peek: Ashley G.

I haven't been posting lately, and I swear its not because I haven't been shooting. I'm just in the midst of a summertime energy--I've been busy and too lazy to blog. My other blogs are suffering too... but I wanted to post a quick sneak peek from a session I did about a week or so ago. I don't even know when it was my mind is so off-but anyway--here goes...

Shout out to the makeup artist: Devona Spivey.